Oxhey Village Environment Group | www.oveg.org

Summer Fayre

Our annual Oxhey Village Fayre will be held tomorrow. We rely on the tremendous support of our volunteers to make the day a great success. If you and/or your family/friends could join us to help set-up, or stay behind at the end to help take things down, it would be greatly appreciated.

The setup starts at 9am on Oxhey Village green and the take down starts at 5pm once the Fayre has wound down. Please can you let us know if you (or somebody else) are able to join us in the morning, afternoon or both.

We also need volunteers to help to run our Bouncy Castle ticket sales and Tombola stalls, if you are able to fill an hour slot (or more) between 1pm and 5pm, can you please let us know by emailing fayre@oveg.org

This weekend coincides with the Big Help out (www.thebighelpout.org.uk), so is a great time to start volunteering. Volunteering for the Fayre is also a great way to help the community as part of Duke of Edinburgh awards.

Thank you so much



This entry was posted on 7 June 2024 by in All News, Local Events, OVEG Events.